
How Do You Make Progress?

Sometimes the most useful things come from questions posed.

It started with a client conversation about making progress on the Strategic Priorities. In this case, the three Quarterly Strategic Priorities (QSP) they were currently working on. Each of them was the responsibility of a different person in the organization. So, how to ensure every one was moving forward and making progress every day?

After discussing ways to solve this I asked for permission to email the other two people responsible for executing on the QSPs for the company. This is what I sent.

Dear Danielle and Stella,

I was talking with Paul (names have been changed) today and it stimulated a memory for me that I wanted to share with you.

There was a point (actually several points) in time where I would get caught up in the day to day of the office and not really know what to do to work ON my business. Working ON the business is basically those levels 3-5 we talked about during our Professional Development day, with 3 being strategy. Working on your strategic priorities is level 3 work.

The way I tackled this idea of working ON my business and doing some kind of strategic work was to get into the habit of doing one thing each day for each of my three strategic priorities (SP). It didn’t matter if it was large or small, I committed to doing one thing every day to move my SPs forward. Sometimes it turned out to be a bigger effort than others. The best thing about it was it made me focus every day, at least for a few minutes, on the big rocks that were important, even if not yet urgent.

Once I had done something for my SPs, I could then move on to other things in the business.

You each have 1 SP this quarter.

1200 – 100 – 133 (Monthly: 1200 Visits – 100 NPs – 133 Leads)Dec 1, 2020Danielle
Pursue complimentary revenue streams – Laser – $6k/mo Dec 31, 2020Stella
Two QSPs for late 2020

Will you commit to doing at least 1 thing each day to move your SP forward?
I’d love to hear back from you on this. But know that the commitment is not to me. It’s really to yourselves and the rest of the team. When I looked at it that way, it helped me to be more consistent, as well. The team was relying on my efforts. Their success was tied to my success. It’s the same for you. Your successes will lead to theirs.

Good luck! Please share with me your thoughts.
And reach out with any questions, too. Anything I can do to help, just let me know.

A few days later, the manager, Danielle, sent me the following question.

Good morning Sturdy,

Sorry I did not respond earlier. I really like the this. Doing one thing a day to “eat the elephant one day at a time” rather than trying to do big chunks. I need to spend some time thinking of things I can do every day to contribute to my SP. Do you have an example of something you think I could do everyday to help improve volume, conversions, plans of care so I have an idea for future one thing a day activities?

Here’s my response:

Great question.
I have a ton. And also none. Too Yin/Yang for you? This is the Dao, the Way. Ha!

I found that sitting with whatever the SP was for even a few minutes each day allowed me to come up with stuff. If you put a post-it in your car, or on your bathroom mirror, then it will remind you each day when you have time to think.

Sometimes the thing to do today is send a single email, or make a phone call. Sometimes it is to write something, maybe for a post or a blog article. Or drop by an urgent care center, or a doctor’s office, or make contact with a gym owner or trainer. Sometimes marketing activities planning or executing a workshop. Sometimes getting others to make a call to a patient. Anything, something, to move closer to the goal, if done every day adds up to an awful lot over the course of 2-3 months. It’s the habit you will try to cultivate. The repetition of small actions that have a cumulative effect over time.

I encourage you to hold a Strategic Planning Day every quarter and establish three Strategic Priorities for the quarter. Do something for each QSP every day to move it forward. The cumulative effect over time will amaze you. Just be disciplined and consistent and the progress will come.

And if you need help, book a time for us to talk.

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