Core Activities are the things you do where you have “special abilities” that create value for your Target Customers.
Your Core Activities help you exceed the expectations of and delight your Target Customers.
Your Core Activities are the things that others cannot do at all – or find difficult to do as well as you do them.
Your Non-Core Activities are all the other things you do that may bring value to your Target Customers, but do not help you exceed their expectations, delight them, or play to your “special abilities”. They are things that others do as their Core Activities.

Many claim a desire to be excellent. Excellence, by its definition, is a form of deviance. To be excellent at something means that you are standard deviations away from the mean. It means that you are not average. But being a little bit better, standing out from the crowd, is not really excellence.
To be excellent we must work to stand apart from the crowd.
To be excellent at something we must focus, as we cannot be excellent at everything. What is your focus? Do you have one? Do you maintain it throughout your day? Or do you find your attention is frequently drawn to other things?
Take a moment to write down those things that you and your team currently excel at. Write down the things that you could excel at and that would help you stand apart from your competition in the eyes of your Target Customers. These are candidates for your Core Activities.
Now write down all the other stuff that has to get done in your business. Make a list. It’s going to be long. That’s fine. This is your list of Non-Core Activities.
Next to each one of these write down who currently performs that activity. Some of these you will already have outsourced. For example, you probably do not do your own banking or credit card processing. So write down who does those for you. Your company name, and even your own name, may appear by some of these items.
In the case of things on this list that you do in-house, these are candidates for outsourcing. How long is this list? How many of these things distract you from your Core Activities while not really enhancing the experience of your Target Customers? Are there any that you see on the list that jump out as being things you are loathe to do, or that you know someone out there does well as their Core Activity?
It takes effort to outsource these things. It also takes trust. That’s why we ask for referrals from friends we trust and respect.

Here are a few recommendations for things you might need in your business that are Non-Core Activities for you. They are the Core Activities of these people and companies that do them. If moving these activities onto someone else’s plate will free up your time and energy to focus on your Core Activities, you may want to consider giving them a call.
Stand alone Benefits Checks. Daniel Woods at CrystalVoxx. [email protected] . 904-431-0001 .
Daniel’s team can start benefits checks the same day you contact them helping you clear any backlogs and allowing your team to focus on scheduling, collecting co-pays, and paying more attention to your patients. We even ran a side by side test to verify speed and accuracy, and CrystalVoxx passed with flying colors. At $7.99 per benefits check (they call, not just web verify), this is a no-brainer.
Revenue Cycle Management (RCM – Billing). Bob Kowalick at Certified Reimbursement Solutions. [email protected] . (248) 756-2300 .
Bob is the billing guy I always looked for but only found after 15+ years of searching. His team is efficient, friendly, knowledgeable, and up to date on all things revenue for PT, OT, and SLP. He is a PT who sold his practice and pursued RCM to sate his thirst for data. He is passionate about getting you every dollar you have earned and has the data to back it up. I challenge you to find better in this industry.
Clinical Continuing Education for PTs and PTAs. Andreas Schenk of the Results Treatment Method. [email protected] . 619-437-6450 .
Andreas brings 30 years of clinical experience to you and your team in a thorough yet very accessible way. His practical application of skills will add to your clinical practice. Check my email newsletter for his upcoming courses or contact him directly for private training for your team.
Retirement Plans oversight, compliance, and coordination. Pankaj Dayal, Registered Investment Advisor at PNR Financial Services LLC a Registered Investment Advisor. [email protected] . 732-359-6178 .
Pankaj is the maestro, the conductor, of all the moving parts in your employee retirement plans. Compliance is a big deal in this world and yet it’s common to feel like you are out on your own at times. Pankaj coordinates and works with all the parties involved in managing your employee retirement plans to make sure you are up to date and by the book, taking the worry and burden off of you.
Credit Card Processing. Tom Cooley at Go CardConnect. [email protected] . 602-740-7671 .
Tom provides a Nordstrom level of personal attention while saving most practices loads of money. This is a rare combo indeed. Contact Tom for a full analysis of your potential savings and you will get a sense of his commitment to service as well.
“The man who chases two rabbits, catches neither.” – Confucius / Kongzi (孔子)
Keep your focus on what makes you special. Strive for excellence in the things that truly make you excellent and help you to stand apart in the eyes of your Target Customers.
The new and improved Business Self-Assessment Tool is up and better than ever. See how you measure up and get some free resources help you out with your business. Take The BAQ!
If you have others you think do an excellent job at their Core Activity to free you up to focus on yours, please share them with me at [email protected].