Are ALL of your patients completing their plans of care? If not, then how many are?
According to WebPT’s 2018 survey of over 6,800 therapists (~90% of whom were Physical Therapists), nearly 90% of all patients do not complete their Plans of Care.
Sadly, they have not repeated this question in their subsequent surveys. But there is little reason to believe this has changed. Yet.
I am on a mission to change this. For patients. For Therapists. And for You.

PTs talk about no-shows, cancels, vacancies, and drop offs. They track the numbers, hound their staff and buy tools to lower the numbers. But none of this works.
If it worked, the picture above would be a whole lot different.
None of it works because none of it addresses the root cause.
It’s basically the same thing you see everyday in patient care. Patients put the proverbial “band-aid” on their problem. You know, all the symptom treating, temporary solutions they try that don’t fix the problem. I’ll spare you the list. You know what they are.
At least in the case of patients many of them give up on the “band-aids” and seek out your help.
Just like with what you do, treating the root cause here leads to greater success.
And when you do, your patients get better results, they reach their goals, and they talk about their amazing experience with you and your practice. And when more people are talking about your practice, it grows.
More happy patients leads to happier team members. And that is a great recipe for practice success and growth.
If you want to learn more about how big the problem is and how to fix it, along with the benefits for your patients, your team, and your business, reach out to me at [email protected].
If you’ve already got a time booked with me, I look forward to meeting with you.