
Scaling Up!

Scaling Up Business Growth Workshop — 1 Day Course in San Francisco

Get a handle on your CASH, STRATEGY, PEOPLE, and EXECUTION!

I’m working with Bill Gallagher and will be at his Scaling Up Business Growth Workshop in San Francisco on March 16, based on Verne Harnish’s Rockefeller Habits 2.0 and the book Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It…and Why the Rest Don’t.

This is a one day business crash course that will help you build, or re-build, the foundation to take your business to the next level.

We will be addressing Scaling Up’s 4 Decisions:

  • People – Happiness/Accountability
  • Strategy – Revenue/Growth
  • Execution – Profit/Time
  • Cash – Oxygen/Options

You don’t need to have read the book, yet. You’ll get a free copy at the course.

If you’ve never taken a business “con-ed” course, this is a great one, and the course will pay for itself and your travel expenses many times over!

I’ll be there to host a “PT Corner” to provide industry insights, best practices, experiences and assistance throughout the day.

It is highly encouraged that you bring your business partner(s) and/or key leaders in your business to ensure clarity and buy in with the new things you will take home to drive your business to the next level.

To register and learn more, please visit http://tiny.cc/ScalingUp.

I hope to see you there!


Register Here


And please share this with someone you know!


Can’t attend? Get the book to get started. It’s a great read with lots of applicable tools to build the foundational components of your business.

Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It…and Why the Rest Don’t


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