
Who Are You?

You don’t need to be more like someone else to succeed. When you try that, you become a counterfeit of both yourself and the person you are imitating.

I wrote that down in my Idea Diary a few years ago. It’s a document I keep on the desktop of my computer where I add new ideas that I come across. It’s made the transfer to 3 consecutive computers. Things that intrigue me, make me think or reveal a truth, especially in an interesting or concise way, make it into the diary. It’s just ideas, not a narrative. There’s no list of activities, meetings or projects, just ideas, including quotes, thoughts and associations. I’ve often tried to add things that not only intrigue me, but ideas and thoughts I’d like to share with my children when they are old enough.

As I was reviewing it, this stood out to me.

You don’t need to be more like someone else to succeed. When you try that, you become a counterfeit of both yourself and the person you are imitating.

It begs the question, Who Are You? Who are you? Really?who-are-you-catepillar-alice Do you know your purpose, your “Why”? Are you clear on your values, your heritage and where you come from? And I don’t mean that geographically, ethnically or in any way other than what your ancestors and the people you respect and look up to went through to make your life possible.

And, do you know where you’re going? Not just in the sense of setting goals for your business, self or family, but in the sense of how you will live and what actions you will, and will not, take. What will you say and do each day from here forward? Because that is probably a much more accurate predictor of your success than anything else.

If there is a greater confidence builder than knowing who you are and being comfortable in your own skin, I haven’t yet found it. Spending even a little deliberate time thinking about these questions can help you move forward. But be patient. Being able to answer these questions is an iterative process and will evolve over time. Be patient with yourself and give yourself permission to take the time, and experience a little discomfort, in figuring out the answers. Be yourself. And enjoy the ride.

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” — Oscar Wilde

To get closer to figuring out your “Why”, visit Start With Why.

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action



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